Here are Warning Signs That Might Need Testing for Fructose Intolerance

It’s often frustrating when eating fruits or vegetables, and you feel uncomfortable. These important meals contain critical nutrients that help your body fight diseases. Additionally, you might feel weak and tired even though you eat fruits and vegetables. When you are suffering from the above, it’s an indication that you might have fructose intolerance, and it’s high time that you schedule a visit to the doctor. Most people often ignore the feeling and think it will come to pass; the truth is that fructose intolerance is incurable, but with the right diet, you can overcome it. This article will explore warning signs that you might need testing for fructose intolerance.

What is Fructose Intolerance?

Fructose intolerance is a disorder known as fructose malabsorption that impedes your body’s natural food digestion. In a normal setting, when you eat fruits, you will often absorb fructose in your body. Fructose is the sugar in honey, fresh fruits, and high-fructose corn syrup. When you have fructose intolerance, your body cannot metabolize the sugar and convert it to energy. This can compromise your health due to a lack of enough nutrients.

Most of the fructose is often converted to energy in the small intestine. However, when you have fructose intolerance, your stomach is often unable to digest and instead lets it pass to the colon. The colon has bacteria that break down the fructose, and gas is produced as a by-product t which leads to bloating.

Symptoms that Might Indicate You Have Fructose Intolerance and You Might Need to Get Tested

Most times, when you have fructose intolerance, you might not even know you have it. Most people use the symptoms to check if they might have fructose intolerance or another condition. That is why you need to take each symptom seriously to curb it before you get worse. Some of the symptoms include:

1. Diarrhea and Gas

Are you experiencing diarrhea? Diarrhea is often one of the most common signs of fructose intolerance. This is due to the significant wastage of undigested food that can accumulate and become diarrhea. You should also note that the fructose molecules can make the other contents in the intestine liquid resulting in a bowel movement. Further, the fermentation occurring in the stomach can lead to the formation of e

2. Stomach Cramps

When your body has trouble breaking down the fructose molecule, you will often experience stomach cramping. When fructose moves through the gastrointestinal tract without digestion, you will often experience discomfort and pain. Additionally, swelling and bloating can lead to stomach aches and pains.

3. Bloating

When you experience bloating, most people will assume the condition until it worsens. If you eat any food, it’s digested and absorbed in the body through the small intestine. When it mixes with digestive juices and is broken into smaller molecules. When you have fructose intolerance, your body cannot break down the fructose and absorb it. When the fructose reaches the colon, its infested by bacteria that causes swelling and bloating. If you suffer from fructose intolerance, you might often experience gas, abdominal discomfort, and experience bloating.

Bottom Line!

It’s essential to take care of your health and schedule constant visits to the doctor. Additionally, look for meals that can help provide the energy you are missing.