The Ins and Outs of American Cheese


One of the many things the United States has become known for globally over the years is the love for cheese, and it has been an essential part of our diets. Some of the best cheeses come from different parts of the world, but there’s something about American cheese that makes it … Read more

Monterey Jack: A True American Cheese

Monterey Jack or sometimes shortened to Jack, is a semi-hard cheese from Mexico which is customarily white and is made using cow’s milk. It is commonly used in cooking because it melts beautifully and has a mild flavor, making it an ideal base for other flavors. Let us know more about Monterey … Read more

A Muenster of a Cheese

Muenster cheese is a semi-soft cheese which has different variations such as French, German, and American. The American variation of the cheese is believed to be an imitation of the Alsatian washed-rind Munster cheese which was introduced by German immigrants. The name Muenster came from the French city of Munster in Alsace. … Read more