Beyond Cheddar: Discovering Unique and Uncommon Cheese Types

Beyond Cheddar Discovering Unique and Uncommon Cheese Types

Cheese lovers unite! We all know and love the classic taste of cheddar cheese, but have you ever considered stepping out of your cheese comfort zone to try something new? There’s a whole world of unique and uncommon cheese types waiting to be discovered beyond cheddar, and trust us, it’s worth exploring. … Read more

History of British Cheese

Cheese-making in Britain had exist for thousands of years. But the cheeses we know and have come to love as classically British cheese like Wensleydale, Cheddar, and Lancashire have only existed and developed in the last couple of hundred years into the style and taste we now know today. In fact, white … Read more

What are the Different Types of Cheddar Cheese?

Cheddar cheese is an off-white or orange-colored natural cheese which is relatively hard and sometimes sharp tasting. It originated in Somerset, an English village of Cheddar. In the present time, cheddar cheeses are produced beyond the region and several countries in the world. The flavor of cheddar cheese differs from other types … Read more